Phase 1 complete! The Promethium Reactorum build is done! Bring on the paint.
At long last, I finally assembled the full table together for Phase 2: painting. The table is 12' long with each segment in 2' widths. I spent considerable thought on how to build this into a tall table for gaming, and I found a perfect solution (which I can post another day). The full 12' can be assembled together in one of six different configurations and is ready for painting. For now, I will paint the pieces all together to get the base coats down.
In these pics you will see that I was anxious to get some paint down, and couldn't resist getting the basic lighting done on the mountains. I used opaque white acrylic ink to airbrush the rocky parts of the mountains. This will be the lighting underneath all of the other colors going into the mountain landscape. As I paint, I will be sure to include lots of painting guides, so more on that later.
For now, I have all the small terrain pieces (including the main reactorum) off the table for the base coating. All of the small stuff will be painted separately, and then added back to the table later for final blending of all the colors together. So far, I am very happy with the build. Everything sits together very nicely, and the different permutations work together seamlessly.
Although the main build is completed, I will be making lots of additional terrain pieces for the board. For one, I will make several pieces that will be cleverly designed to help cover up the seams between boards. Piles of rubble and well placed wrecked vehicles or urban waste are perfect for covering up the seams, and I plan to create many small pieces. Some of them are already underway, but I want to get paint down on the main board as I am very excited to get color down.
Below you can see the full 12' in one picture. It's difficult to capture in a single photo, so...
...I had to resort to (slow motion) videos. Until next time.
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