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Black Gangs are coming for us

We haven't been out for dinner for ages. Minister for Immigration tells us that people like us are frightened of African youth gangs and so we don't go out for dinner. It is rather more that our chief organiser of dinners out has been in hospital since before Christmas. (Font problem, I know)

Firefighting Nephew and his now wife lived in the inner western suburb of Footscray for over one year, full of those Asian and black African people.They dined out often, locally and cheaply. Maybe they never mentioned it to me, but I don't think they were ever fearful of going out locally for dinner, among all these supposed black African gangs roaming the streets. I am not aware that they had any personal crime problems in Footscray.

I tolerate nonsense by politicians up to a point, but when Minister Peter Dutton says that people in Melbourne are fearful to go out for dinner because of African immigrant youth crime, well, what possible respect can I have for him.

There is no doubt that there is an Australian youth of African heritage problem, especially those from Sudan, but hysterical statements like we afraid to go out for dinner are not helpful.

Maybe too many from Sudan were allowed in without the adequate support in place? The worst thing about all this is that black kids are all lumped together in the public eye. See four of them together on the street? Look out, and I must say, I have the same feelings myself, and I should not. They are kids. They will get up to some malarkey like all kids do but they are not necessarily out to do bad to anyone. I really feel for those black kids who are being judged by what a few of their own do.

Writing about race, religion and immigration never wins me friends, but write about them I will at times.

Image from the Footscray City College way back in 2001. What a pussy cat. He probably has bred a large family by now and has to work hard to support them.

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