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Militia Miniatures Kickstarter

Just spotted this on Lead Adventure forum. Some great looking figures quite a few that will come in useful for many things. Across the Dead Earth, Zombie Apocalypse any other modern adventure I can think of. I backed for a complete squad and wish them luck some nice looking miniatures. As it stands its £20 for an 8 man set of figures but if it reaches its goals it can be boosted up to 10 with a hidden girl and sniper type figure.

Good as objective/target for modern games or just a survivor businessman type.

Another good modern merc, bodyguard type I things this guy looks like he'd be useful a STARS member for Resident Evil.

I love Mason one of my favourites. I love his style and he'll be Across the Dead Earthing at some point.

 I love this guys as well would make a good scrapper love all the knives strapped across his chest. 

 Another of my favourites that will be Across the Dead Earthing at some point as well.

 Extra fire power for blasting zombies and other things that require it

This is what drew me in just his one figure with an AA-12 Shotgun just read to kick some ass. Love the pose and his whole outlook.

Very Special forces look to this one but as mixes in nicely with all the others. I think this guy might be joining up with the State In Across the Dead Earth.

If you fancy a look check out the link below and have a gander.

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