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Beau Geste Digest

Hello again, fans of the glossy sheen. On the one hand I am delighted to bring you more news from Argentina, via Martin, and on the other a bit disappointed because some of the news is a little sad

Once again, I have included images here of the newsletter sent to me by Martin, in which he refers to the decision taken recently by the owners of the company to scale down production of their Beau Geste branded figures

They have chosen to concentrate their efforts on two ranges, namely the Delhi Durbar, 1903 and WW1. So, they are gradually ceasing production of all other figures, starting with those belonging to the American War of Independence and American Civil War ranges. I have included pictures here of some of the sets in question, however, there are 26 in all being retired with immediate effect. The company will be taking orders for them until June 7th, and after that there will be no more

Martin's newsletter

A small selection of the sets being retired, four from the AWI and the last one from the ACW range

Lovely figures, I'm sure you'll agree. Get them before they disappear for good!

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