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Capcom bringing MT Framework engine to Wii

"Japan's Nikkei Industrial daily reported today that Capcom will be bringing a multiplatform engine that it currently uses for PS3 and Xbox 360 development to the Wii as well. The company aims to improve development efficiency and cut costs. By undergoing simultaneous development, it believes that it can shave 1/5 off development costs and 1/3 off development time.

Capcom currently uses its internal MT Framework engine to develop its high end multiplatform games like Resident Evil 5 and Lost Planet 2. It's presumable that the paper is referring to this engine."

This is after everyone was saying that the MT Framework engine couldn't be done on the Wii. Well, it looks like Resident Evil 5 would be very possible now. Even using the Darkside Chronicles engine would've probably been enough to do the port. Maybe this also means that the next time Capcom decides to release a Devil May Cry or new Lost Planet they won't just be PS3/360 but also the Wii. This is great news if you ask me.

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