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God of War 1 PC Game Free Download Full Version

God of war 1 game is developed Santa Monica Studios and published by Sony Computer Entertainment Studios. This product is the first installment in the whole series. It is third person view action game. This installment was released on March 22, 2005 and was originally released for PlayStation 2 but also works on PlayStation 3 and PlayStation Vita. In this product you will Kratos the main of character of all the God of War game series, but in this installment our has been tricked into killing his family and he revenges his family killing from his old friend. You can also download WWE 13 game from our website by clicking that link because that is also one of the cutest game people love too far.

System Requirements 

Processor = Intel Core 2 Quad: 3.1 GHz
Ram = 2 GB
Graphics card = 1 GB
Windows = 7,8 and xp


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